Join us at the Swansea Grand Theatre as we Launch the Health Support for Elderly BAME People Project.
We are providing free advice for those at risk of : Stroke, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Lung and Bowel Cancer.
All are welcome, Elderly, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Background. This 10 month Health Project will offer free health advice on a range of topics that are of interest to the elderly.
We will provide following:
Health eating, exercise, safe living for those who live alone.
Cooking demonstrations
Health promotions
Joining us will be:
Lil Saunders/healthy Eating , Saphira Hacuma/Diabetes and Foot care, Jackie Jones/Stretching Exercise sessions
Date started: Wednesday 26th Febraury 2020
Free refreshments will be offered after the launch.
This Funding was awarded by the National Lottery Community Fund Wales. For further details, contact the CDP directly on 07985667745 or email: website: Twitter: @CongoleseDevel1