Ways to donate
These are multiple ways that you can donate to our organisation that are listed below. We are a small organisation, so every donation and show of support means a great deal both to us and the local people who benefit from our services.
Online Donations via Paypal
Donations are made through PayPal, quickly and securely, and you don’t need a PayPal account in order to donate – just have your credit card to hand and simply follow the instructions on the screen.
Donate by cheque
Please make your cheque payable to Congolese Development Project. Send or drop your cheques to our office at
Congolese Development Project
34a Orchard Street,
Elysium Gallery
Swansea SA1 5AW
Tel: 0330 229 0333
Donate into our bank
Our account details for a BACs transfer, are as follows:
Account name: Congolese Development Project
Account number: 57116968
Sort code: 30-95-46
Please don’t forget to email us at info@cdpwales.org.uk and let us know so that we can look out for it and thank you properly.